History & Development
Based on Linux Kernel
Open-Source Nature
Programming Languages Used
Application Development
Google Play Store
Versions & Updates
Development Environment
Android Studio setup and basic configuration
Understanding project structure
XML layouts and basic UI components
Activity lifecycle and basic fragments
Views and ViewGroups
Layouts (LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, ConstraintLayout)
Basic widgets (Button, TextView, EditText, ImageView)
Event handling and click listeners
Activities and Intents
Simple data storage (SharedPreferences)
Basic debugging and logging
RecyclerView for displaying lists
Custom views and layouts
Material Design components
Animations and transitions
Fragment management
Navigation components
SQLite database integration
Room persistence library
Content providers
File storage and handling
AsyncTask (legacy
Coroutines for async operations
WorkManager for background tasks
Services and broadcast receivers
MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)
Clean Architecture
Dependency Injection (Hilt/Dagger)
Repository pattern
Use cases and domain layer
Jetpack Compose for UI
Flow and LiveData
ViewModel and lifecycle-aware components
Navigation with SafeArgs