What is CSS?
Basic syntax and structure of a CSS
ruleInline styles, internal styles, and external stylesheets
Cascading and inheritance
CSS selectors and specificity
CSS box model
Styling Text
Selectors (element, class, ID)
Basic properties (color, background, font)
Box model (margin, padding, border)
Display properties (block, inline, inline-block)
Units (px, em, rem, %)
Colors (hex, rgb, rgba)
Font properties (family, size, weight)
Text properties (align, decoration, transform)
Line height and letter spacing
Web fonts (@font-face, Google Fonts)
Font optimization
Positioning (relative, absolute, fixed)
Floats and clearing
Basic centering techniques
Width and height properties
Overflow handling
Z-index and stacking
Flex container properties
Flex item properties
Alignment (justify-content, align-items)
Ordering and growing
Flex direction and wrapping
Gap properties
Grid container properties
Grid item properties
Grid template areas
Grid lines and tracks
Auto-fit and auto-fill
Grid positioning
Media queries
Mobile-first approach
Viewport meta tag
Fluid typography
Container queries
2D/3D transforms
Keyframe animations
Animation properties
Performance optimization
Motion design principles
Attribute selectors
:not() and :is()
Complex selector patterns
Custom properties (variables)
Calc() function
Logical properties
Color functions
Clamp() and minmax()
Support queries (@supports)