What is Python?
Python Install
Python Syntax
Python Comments
Python Variables
Python Data Types
Python Numbers
Python File Open
Open a File on the Server
Read Only Parts of the File
Write to an Existing File
Create a New File
Delete a File
Check if File exist:
Variables and data types (int, float, str, bool)
Basic operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical)
Control structures (if, elif, else)
Loops (for, while)
Lists, tuples, and dictionaries
Basic input/output
String manipulation
Function definition and calling
Parameters and arguments
Return values
Default arguments
*args and **kwargs
Scope and namespace
Lambda functions
List operations and methods
Dictionary operations
Sets and their operations
Tuple packing/unpacking
Basic list comprehensions
String methods
Type conversion
Classes and objects
Class methods and static methods
Properties and decorators
Magic methods
File operations (read, write, append)
Context managers (with statement)
Exception handling (try-except)
Custom exceptions
File paths and directories
JSON and CSV handling
map(), filter(), reduce()
zip() and enumerate()
any() and all()
sorted() with key functions
Generator expressions
itertools module
functools module
asyncio and coroutines
Futures and callbacks
Locks and semaphores
Thread pools