What is HTML?
Setting up a development environment
Basic structure of an HTML
document Text editors and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)
HTML tags and elements
Document structure (DOCTYPE, html, head, body)
Basic tags (h1-h6, p, div, span)
Text formatting (strong, em, br, hr)
Links (a href)
Images (img src, alt)
Lists (ul, ol, li)
Tables (table, tr, td, th)
Form structure (form tag)
Input types (text, password, checkbox, radio)
Buttons (submit, reset, button)
Select dropdowns
Labels and fieldsets
Basic form validation
id and class
src and href
alt and title
width and height
header, footer, nav
main, article, section
aside, figure, figcaption
time, mark, details, summary
Proper document outlining
HTML5 input types (email, date, number, etc.)
Form attributes (required, pattern, placeholder)
Form validation attributes
Custom form controls
Audio and video elements
Source elements and fallbacks
Track element for subtitles
Iframe usage
Canvas basics
SVG integration
Data attributes (data-*)
ARIA roles and attributes
Meta viewport
Open Graph tags
Twitter cards
Favicon implementation
Custom metadata
Lazy loading images
Responsive images (srcset, sizes)
Preload, prefetch, preconnect
Async and defer scripts
Resource hints
Critical rendering path
Web Components
Custom Elements
Shadow DOM
HTML Templates
Progressive Web Apps (PWA) markup