What is JavaScript ?
JavaScript Variables
JavaScript Operators
JavaScript Functions
JavaScript Objects
JavaScript Arrays
JavaScript HTML DOM
Variables (var, let, const)
Data types (string, number, boolean, null, undefined)
Operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical)
Control structures (if, switch, loops)
Functions (declarations, expressions)
Arrays and basic array methods
Objects and basic object methods
Scope and hoisting
Type conversion
Template literals
Basic DOM manipulation
Event handling
Error handling (try-catch)
Basic debugging
Arrow functions
Callback functions
Higher-order functions
Function context (this)
Bind, call, apply
IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)
Object methods and properties
Prototypes and inheritance
Classes and constructors
Getters and setters
Object destructuring
Property descriptors
Object.freeze() and Object.seal()
Advanced array methods (map, filter, reduce)
Set and Map
WeakSet and WeakMap
Array destructuring
Spread and rest operators
Iterators and generators
Symbol type
Event loop
Microtasks and macrotasks
Error handling in async code
Async iterators
Web Workers
Modules (import/export)
Proxy and Reflect
Optional chaining
Nullish coalescing
Private class fields
Pure functions
Function composition
Partial application
Point-free programming
Monads and functors